Life. Beauty. Fashion. Advice. Animal Talk.

Tuesday 15 July 2014


I've seen quite a few Q&A's so I thought I would do one. So here we go....

What is your current fashion obsession? Sandals... as it's summer.

What is your current make-up obsession? Just a bit of mascara

What are you wearing today? A strippy top from Primark with a Peter Pan collar and Checked leggings also from Primark

Hair? Ombre Long hair

Do you nap a lot? I like to nap, but I'd rather lounge about and watch tv

Why is today special? I am meeting the rest of my mum's husbands kids

What would you like to learn to do? To speak Italian and how to manage money better.

What's for dinner today? Pork steaks with mustard and honey sauce.

What are you listening to right now? Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson

What is your favourite weather? Sunny.

What's the last thing you bought? Caribbean Cocktail from Holland and Barratts

What are your essentials when travelling? Mp3, Tablet, Phone, Water, Caribbean Cocktail, Railcard.

What's your style? Unique, taking inspiration from some of the fashion about.

What is your most challenging goal right now? Getting through University and getting good grades.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Either in the middle of nowhere surrounded by acres of fruit trees, or America near a Zoo.

Favourite vacation spot? I haven't been many places so I would have to say France.

Name the things you cannot live without? Phone, Dried Fruit, Herbal Tea

How was your childhood? It went very fast, and was split into two sections.

What would you like to have in your hands right now? My Boyfriend

What are you most excited for? Seeing my boyfriend again in 26 days. 

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Down South to be with my boyfriend or on holiday with him.

Which countries have you visited? Iceland, France , and Spain.


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