Life. Beauty. Fashion. Advice. Animal Talk.

Friday 27 January 2017

Style Wannabe

Put your hand up if you are in a style rut? 
Put your hand up if you have no idea what to wear on a daily basis?

Just me?

I know been there done that. Well have you heard of Polyvore? An app where you can create your own outfits and see others. Well if you have been reading this blog for a while you will know that I always will use Polyvore as my choice to showcase my OOTD's and any more wishlists and wants of which there is a lot. 


Thursday 19 January 2017

Just Breath

Well this week has been cotton-picking hard, with finishing exams and still having so much left to do with my final year project it doesn't leave much time for relaxation.

This week, this girl has been a bit of a mess and that is not an understatement, and so to finally start to go back to feeling like me again, I thought I would update you all on my life and trials. 

This week Ben and I went for a much needed walk just around the woods near where we live, and it was much needed especially getting the fresh air back into my system. 

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