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Tuesday 8 July 2014

Attempting To Get Healthy? Me Too...

I have been trying to be healthier and start to feel better since September, and being a student as well, has been hard, as the amount of money it costs to buy fruit and veg has risen so now the biscuits that are 49p look more appealing by the minute. 

I have become better though by switching my unhealthy snacks to fruit and swapping ingredients in cake and biscuit recipes to healthier alternatives. Also becoming addicted to dried mango as it tastes so good and is a good source of energy instead of a chocolate bar as a snack in my bag. 

I am trying though to eat a lot healthier by making my own soups, and smoothies especially as I know what goes into them so it makes me feel better because I know it's fresh and healthy as a lot of fruit and veg goes into them. I have also started the Water Challenge wear I try and drink 1.5l per day. I have managed it a couple of days but then I forget and fall behind, but I'm still trying. 

At University my daily food would usually be:

Granola with greek yoghurt and a piece of fruit

Vegetable soup 
Cheese on toast or toast 

Stirfry/Curry/Chicken with lots of vegetables
Blackcurrant or Orange Squash.

However apart of becoming healthier is also exercise and using the energy my body has produced and use it to feel better and get in better shape. I am hoping that when I go back to Uni I will make the time to do some more exercise. I have never been one for running, or going to the gym. I'd like to do something I'd enjoy and have fun with. At school I enjoyed playing Badminton, Tennis and Netball, although I was never very good at it, I enjoyed doing it. 

I think it's a good place to start and better late than never....


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