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Friday 14 August 2015

This Week I Have Been...

Have you ever had one of the those weeks were you are glad it's coming to an end?
That's what this week has been for me, a week of jobs, rushing around like a headless chicken, and full on stress.
Finally it's coming to an end. For many people it has been a week of waiting for their results, and I would like to say a great big congratualtions to all those getting results this week. It has been nearly 3 years since I got my results, and I am now into my 3rd year of university (posts to come).

Although it is only Friday is not over yet for me, as there are still 2 days to go until I can fully relax with one of them being a lovely birthday trip for Ben to the Sealife Centre in London, be sure to check out my Twitter and Instagram for all the pictures to follow.

Although this week has been quite stressful, I have found a light at the end of the tunnel, that I am surrounded by lovely, great people who support me, and are on hand to help in a time of crisis. There is always my lovely Ben, who has also been under alot of stress at the minute who has supported me, and I have supported him. 

At the moment the things that have gotten me through the week is Netflix, and alot of chocolate. I have seen the finale of PLL, and like many people I wasn't really surprised at the reveal of -A.
I did like the finale, but the reveal wasn't that surprising to me, as many people when the character first came on the series, looked like Alison, and I'm sure was very suspicious from the start. Nevertheless I am looking forward to season 6B, and the time jump, which I'm sure will be just as good as the last 6 seasons of PLL. 
I have also now nearly finished House, for maybe the 3rd time. 8 seasons of pure joy, and Hugh Laurie. Mucho love. 

To the shock of me, and maybe anyone who knows me, I have this week also been going to the gym. I haven't really been one for exercise or even moving outside my own room, let alone going on a running machine, or any exercise machine. However I have been enjoying it, and I am now starting to feel alot better because of it. Now I'm not just talking about the obvious health benefits, I am feeling soo much better about myself because I am basically getting rid of all that horrible excess adrenaline coarsing around my body while I stress about many things. 

What have you been up to this week? Let me know in the comments below


Twitter: @hannahevickers
Instagram: @hannahevickers

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