Life. Beauty. Fashion. Advice. Animal Talk.

Friday 6 March 2015

Fridays Findings| Why Do I Blog?

There are many reasons why I blog, and what made me start in the first place. 
I can't quite place what made me start, but I think I just wanted to start blogging because it was an outlet, at quite a stressful time in my life. My first post was nearly 2 years ago, about going to Uni, and just my thoughts about making friends and being a huge procrastinator. 

Although I may have come a long way since then, I still have the posts where I ramble on about thoughts, and topics. 

I read so many blogs which gave me inspiration, and help in structuring a blog. I started to blog because it made me happy, and it still does. I love having a place to put fashion, beauty and lifestyle things out onto the interweb. Blogging has helped me come out of my shell, and as I doubt this will turn into a full time thing, just yet. I am just enjoying writing, and a few people reading. 

I would say to anyone wanting to start a blog. DO IT! You can always try it, and see whether you like it. Research the different platforms, and see what one will suit you. Also just because there are so many bloggers out there who may be more popular, or writing the same topic of content, doesn't mean you shouldn't try it. The way to be noticed is just to be yourself. Don't try, and copy other bloggers, or try to be like them. Just be yourself, and wonder will follow. 

Hope you have a great weekend. 


Keep up to date with Fridays Findings, every Friday at 12pm GMT. 

Last weeks post. Everyday Comfy Outfit


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