Life. Beauty. Fashion. Advice. Animal Talk.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Leibster award

Hey Lovely people, 

I was nominated by Courtney from Lifeascourtblog to do the Leibster award post and so here it is. Thank you Courtney!

So here are the rules:
  1. Thank the blogger that nominated you
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gave you
  3. Nominate 6-11 bloggers who you think deserve the award
  4. Tell the bloggers that you nominated them
  5. Create 11 questions for the next nominees to answer

1. Favourite Film?

I have many favourite films that vary depending on what mood I am in. Although the one movie that I always go back to is Peter Pan with Jeremy Sumpter. It's the right sort of movie that I can relax to but never fails to cheer me up. 

2. Favourite band/ singer?

My favourite singer is Charlie Simpson. After he left busted and went into Fightstar, he created his own music with more of an acoustic vibe. My favourite song is Parachutes. 

3. Favourite Takeaway?

Well after a long day, when I just can't be bothered to cook, and I have managed to convince Ben that we both deserve it, the go to takeaway for me has to be PIZZA. I always get the Hawaiian either from Pizza Hut or Papa Johns. And who doesn't love a bit of pizza and a movie after a long day at Uni or work. 

4. What is my Ultimate Life goal?

My ultimate life goal, which may sound soppy, is to just be happy with a family of my own, with people around me that love and support me in whatever I choose to do and  how I choose to be. Also to get a dog so I will always have company if Ben has to go away for work. 

5. Hobbies?

Well Blogging was originally a hobby for me, and although I may not post that often or I get caught up, I still consider this little space of the internet a hobby that could one day turn into a job. You never know what the future has ahead. 

6. Chocolate or crisps?

Considering I am lactose-intolerant I am a huge chocolate lover. Cadburys to Galaxy, I love them all. I do usually try and go for the dark chocolate, mainly so I can pace myself, also white chocolate just doesn't cut it for me. 

7. Twitter or Facebook?

I have both, but definitely Twitter. I'm always posting and taking part in the blogging discussions. I love seeing how everyone can just share their day in less than 120 characters even with all the hashtags. Check mine out here

8. What is the first feature you look for in the gender that you are attracted to?

I always notice the eyes first, but I always like them to have a good personality that matches mine/ put up with my ramblings.

9. Any Career plans?

My dream career has changed over the last couple of months. I am doing in a degree in Animal behaviour and Welfare, but now with all the opportunities at work I am now getting into fashion more, especially being a stylist and helping people who just want to change, and need advice. 

10. Netflix or Amazon Prime?

I have only ever been on Netflix, and although I would like try amazon prime, being a student I have only ever been able to have Netflix on and off again over the years, although please may they hook a girl up with the latest American Horror Story I need to catch up. 

11. What is the Colour of your bedroom?

Well I don't really have my own bedroom anymore since I am living with Ben and his parents, but it's mainly blue with a white wall. 

So here are the Questions for the people I am nominating:

  • What was your first pet? (If you haven't had one what would you want?)
  • What would you class your style as?
  • What is your favourite season?
  • What is your dream holiday? 
  • Favourite Beauty Product?
  • What is your proudest moment?
  • Who is your role model?
  • What is your most favourite inspirational quote?
  • What is your favourite food?
  • Who is your favourite blogger/ blog?
  • PC or MAC?

Courtney- (Curledtoperfection)

Freya- (Freyasnook)

Hannah- (Nylontoast)

Kayleigh- (Kayleighzara)

Sorry if you have been nominated before.

Hope you all enjoyed the answers.


Instagram: hannahevickers

Twitter: hannahevickers


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