Life. Beauty. Fashion. Advice. Animal Talk.

Friday 7 November 2014

Dear Past.

Dear Past Hannah, 

The amount of work you have will never stop whether it be down to University or with a paying job which I now have, it will consume everything you have, and although you may feel guilty about spending soo much time on working, you know and get reminded by the one you love that it is what needs to happen to progress to the future. You gain valuable skills and although motivation is often lacking, you know you get round to it in the end and finish what needs to be done. 

There are soo many good things in the future and everything you are worrying about now, will seem so small and insignificant when you get to where I am now. I know I still need to grow out of the constant worrying and actually realise that everything is okay now. Nothing is going to change apart from modules for next semester and maybe the way I do my hair. It's okay to just have a moment, but having too many will just be a step back and not a step forward. Just concentrate on spending what ever time you can with the one you love and just appreciate every second that little bit more. Remember you are loved, you just have got to stop worrying. 

This new academic year, is a new start, a new way of looking at things, you came so far in your first year of uni, but now it's time to take it further, to let things go, to start to be happier, looking for the good, rather than letting whats happened define what could be. The lessons have been learnt and the changes made. You finished your first assignment, just keep up the good work. 

It's okay. The motivation will come back, and the tiredness will stop, just stay relaxed. Take a deep breath and stay calm. Appreciate the time you have and the time that you will have. The stresses and worries will go away eventually, it just takes time 

From Future Hannah 


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