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Thursday, 26 May 2016

His & Her. Day to Night

So the lovely guys at T.M. Lewin have given me a challenge to create a His and Hers look from Day to night. 

As the weather gets so much better, it's the time of year that going out for the evening straight from work is becoming more popular, so here are the looks from Day to Night, His &Hers. (All links will be down below.)

His Day 

I chose these pieces, as they all together produce a core outfit that you can wear straight to work, and still show off that you know your style. The Blue shirt gives the suit a bit more colour, and goes off from the normal white shirt, black jacket and trousers. Wearing a black tie with the shirt still gives it the pop, and looks smart. 

His Night

With just taking off the jacket, and tie, it opens up a more casual look, which is just what the doctor ordered on a long awaited night out. T.M. Lewin have a wide range of suits available, and so which ever colour you choose would work well, when taking it from work to the PARTY.  

Her Day 

There are many choices to wear to work, as it all depends on the job you have. And so I have gone for more of a formal day at the office, with a striped shirt, black blazer, and black crop trousers, they all shout smart. For the shoes, I have gone with these block heels with a small strap from Newlook, as they just look understated and smart, and they bring the outfit together. However if you don't want to wear heels then a flat, plain black loafer, does the job just as well. For a work bag, my favourite is this one from Topshop as there is plenty of space for documents and all the other essentials. 

Her Night

For the evening, I have chosen, a different shirt but still in the blue colour, which gives it a more casual vibe, also so the same shoes and trousers may still be worn, and any jewellery that is chosen, doesn't have to be changed. 
For the evening, I think a smaller bag with just the essentials makes it more casual. The one I have chosen is from Topshop, and is highly popular, I love the detail and how much space there is in the bag.   


His Day 

Jacket -,en_GB,pd.html?cgid=Mens-Suit-Suit-Jackets&start=0




His Night


Her Day 







Her Night



All opinions and choices are my own. All pictures, are from their respected websites, none are my own. 

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