Life. Beauty. Fashion. Advice. Animal Talk.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Blogging Journey

I started blogging for one reason and one reason only. To be creative. To have an outlet where I could share my thoughts, opinions, and to just let loose. 

This blog has now turned into my little baby where I have nurtured, and loved it from the moment it begun. Blogging has taught me a lot about organisation, being a part of a community, to get out of my shell, and that there are people out there who do feel the exact same way that I do. 

Blogging is now a big part of me, and part of my week. I am always thinking of the next post that I could put up. The next post that you all would be interested in, for example, reviews of products, restaurants, and the places I have been (although I do usually stay in). 

This blog means the world to me, and so do all the people who take the time to read all my ramblings, and all the content I post. 

Blogging is a great way to just BE YOU. To be creative, even if you don't have a lot of time. 

Blogging can be a full time or just a hobby.

My journey into blogging has been a long one, and I hope it carries on for a while longer.

To any of you reading who feel that there is no point in making blog, JUST DO IT. Blog because it makes you happy. Blog because you want to. Blog because its something you enjoy. Yes there are a lot of bloggers out there, but they doing it because they enjoy it, because it makes them happy. It isn't about the money, it's about enjoying yourself, and just being as creative as you want to be. 

Now I think it's time for me to get back to sorting out my room. (Procrastination at its finest)
I hope you all have a great week, and have a great Monday.


1 comment

  1. Great post, I completely agree that blogging is so fruitful and fulfilling if you enjoy it!

    Anoushka Probyn - A London Fashion Blog


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